Отображение 1 - 20 результаты of 30 для поиска 'Viswanath, S.', время запроса: 0.01сек. Отмена результатов
  1. 1

    Productivity and interaction studies in Acacia hybrid (A. mangium x A. auriculiformis) based agroforestry practices in Karnataka по Viswanath, S.

    Опубликовано 2009
  2. 2

    Studies on productivity and management of Teak (Tectona grandis) in agroforestry practices in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh по Viswanath, S.

    Опубликовано 2007
  3. 3

    Studies on genetic fidelity of the micropropagated plants of bamboo - Bambusa bambos and Dendrocalamus stocksii по Viswanath, S.

    Опубликовано 2010
  4. 4

    Ficus trees in semiarid agro-ecosystems of karnataka: an analysis of ecological. economic and socio-cultural values по Viswanath, S.

    Опубликовано 2017
  5. 5

    Cultivation prospects of edible bamboo shoots in South India по Viswanath, S.

    Опубликовано 2016
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    Ecological, economic and socio-cultural evaluation of a ficus based traditional agroforestry system in Mandya district of Karnataka по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2011
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    NMBA - Bamboo locational trials institute of wood science & technology(IWST),Bangalore(2005-2009) по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2009
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    Management of casuarina equistifolia in agroforestry system for sustainable economic returns по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2003
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    Conservation of sandal (Santalum album L.) germplasm, production of quality planting stock and promotion of sandal cultivation по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2009
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    Studies on assessing growth performance and standardization of management practices for guadua angustifolia kunth. in Karnataka по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2005
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    Management of casuarina equisetifolia in agroforestry systems for sustainable economic returns по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2003
  12. 12

    Management of casuarina Equisetifolia in Agroforestry Systems for sustainable Economic Returns по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2003
  13. 13

    Cultivation of Guadua Angustifolia Kunth and Dendrocalamus asper Backer. in Kerala and Karnataka по Viswanath, Syam

    Опубликовано 2006
  14. 14

    Soil quality parameters under different land use systems in Attappady valley of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve по Sameer, P.A

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, S., ad...”
  15. 15

    Land use / land cover change modeling and impact assessment on soil erosion status in Phewa Lake watershed of Nepal using geospatial tools по Regmi, Raju Raj

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, S., ad...”
  16. 16

    Stand density manipulation and pruning of Acacia mangium Willd. to optimise productivity in an agrisilvicultural system по Kunhamu, T.K

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, Syam, ad...”
  17. 17

    Studies on the tree-crop interactions in tea (Camellia sinensis) based shaded perennial agroforestry system in western ghats по Niranjana, K.S

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, Syam, ad...”
  18. 18

    Joint forest management in Kerala : an analysis of institution, impacts and constraints по Santhoskumar, A.V

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, Syam, ad...”
  19. 19

    Studies on floristic composition, regeneration and biomass estimation in tropical evergreen forests in the Western Ghats of Karnataka по Sathish, B.N

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, Syam, ad...”
  20. 20

    Integrated study of a Ficus based traditional agroforestry system in Mandya district Karnataka по Dhanya B.

    Другие авторы: “...Viswanath, Syam, ad...”