Показ 1 - 4 результатів із 4 для пошуку 'Qamar, Furqan', час виконання запиту: 0.00сек. Уточнити результати
  1. 1

    AIU's View on The New National Policy On Education за авторством Qamar, Furqan

    Опубліковано 2018
  2. 2

    Reforming the regulatory Framework for promoting excellence in Higher Education за авторством Qamar, Furqan

    Опубліковано 2018
  3. 3

    Mitigating Faculty shortages in the Institutions of higher education in India за авторством Qamar, Furqan

    Опубліковано 2018
  4. 4

    AIU'S Views on the revision of pay scale teachers and other academic staff of universities and colleges for consideration of the UGC'S 7th Pay review committee за авторством Edited by Qamar, Furqan

    Опубліковано 2018