Erakusten 1 - 7 emaitzak -- 7 bilaketa honetara 'Pant, madan mohan', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,01s
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Forestry economic development : employment promotion, industrial growth, tribal and rural development wildlife and environment nork Pant, Madan Mohan
Argitaratua 1984Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean... -
Project evaluation (benefit-cost analysis) : project management, case studies, externalities not covered by benefit-cost analysis, forest valuation nork Pant, Madan Mohan
Argitaratua 1986Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean... -
Forest economics and valuation: Principles of economics applied to forest management and utilisation nork Pant, Madan Mohan
Argitaratua 1984Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean... -
Trees incredible: life sustaining lives nork Pant, Madan Mohan
Argitaratua 2011Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean... -
Project evaluation (benefit-cost analysis) project management case studies Externalities not covered : by benefit -cost analysis Forest Valuation nork Pant, Madan mohan
Argitaratua 1984Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean... -
Forest economics & valuation principle of economics applied to forest management and utilisation nork Pant, madan mohan
Argitaratua 1986Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean... -
Forestry for economic development : employment promotion, industrial growth, tribal and rural development: wildlife and environment nork Pant, Madan Mohan
Argitaratua 1984Sailkapena: Lanean...
Kokapena: Lanean...Liburua Lanean...